Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everything seems to revolve around my newly found social networking site, Flickr!

For those not familiar with the workings of Flickr, with the protocols and etiquette, with networking smorgasbord that if offers for the taking, it would appear to be a space devoid of attention, perhaps the kind of site where families post their graduation pictures for extended families across both time and space. That was my perception until I saw what fellow SL avatars were creating with their photostreams.

Once upon a time...

Late in 2009, perhaps in October, I found out about a photo contest in SL where the best pictures would be awarded Linden cash as prizes. There were a number of categories in which I could compete, and with my RL photographic experience (for there was none thus far inworld), I decided to enter. Now my friend Damn Teardrop, avatar and freebie hunter extraordinaire, recognizing how some competitions are merely popularity contests, repeatedly tried to dissuade me. I understood his behavior as somewhat protective, almost paternalistic, but most certainly well-intentioned. However being as tenacious, or stubborn, as I am, and recognizing that I never approach things for their ease of operation or execution, I treaded on. As I submitted the first of the eventual seven images that I would enter for the competition, I realized that I should also have a place to display them for others to see. They were not great in any sense of the word. They couldn't have been for realistically I still cannot attach that label to any of my images to this day. But perseverance played a key role in my decision to compete that by the time the competition was over, I was becoming well-versed in the ways of the networking community of SL photographers. I was vested now, I had become a participant, albeit a marginal one, in this new community of praxis.


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