Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The first year: Somewhat theoretical, mostly tautological

I am writing this little exercise of mind as my first anniversary of existence in Second Life (SL) draws near. I have had a year to examine, to analyze, to partake of SL as a participant observer, not so much in the capacity in which I entered, investigating educational opportunities within the grid, but as a student of identity. It is from this perspective, less of a researcher, more of a learner, that I record my thoughts. I have no particular audience in mind other than myself. Perhaps some of my closest contacts in SL may feel dismayed at seeing themselves herein portrayed without too much sugar-coating, if and when the narrative turns to them. Otherwise, I promise to offer nothing new, nothing entertaining, nothing noteworthy save for a few honest quips about my very jaded experience in SL. So, why write it down? Well, ‘cause I’ve enjoyed my stay in SL enough to want to remember some of the obfuscated details that time will undoubtedly erase.