Well, the interesting part is not here, but in the comments received by the pictures that I created for Valentine's day. It all started with a competition in mind. Otherwise, I don't think I would have gone to the extreme of finding suitable poses and locations. Of course, credit is due to my buddy Damn Teardrop for his participation in the making of these pics. He showed me that you can simply search for the animation of your liking with the SL search function and you will get an assortment of places that are using it publicly in SL. The trouble following that was locating a backdrop that was nice, well as least reasonably decent, to serve as background to the pictures.
Fast forward a few steps and arrive at the flickr photostream where people view my work and comment on it. This time, based on the content, I received IMs requesting to know if I was getting married/partnered in SL. Really? Based on a picture, it's captions, and some cute comments? Anyway, I thought it interesting enough to mention. I did get my quick giggle from it.
The response to "Will you...?" is simply "I won't." It was a picture. However lovely partnerships may be in SL, or elsewhere for that matter, this avatar remains unhitched. Any takers? Noooooooo, I am just kidding!