Monday, February 1, 2010

Taking the gallery route

Why? Because I never have considered my work 'art' nor have I pretended to know much about photoshopping. I like to play with it, yes, but proficient to the point to calling myself an illustrator...hmmm...
But very cool.
Indeed, because I was asked to display some original images in a very nice gallery inworld. If that does not fall under the category of 'cool' then I don't know what does.
What will happen now?
I will trip and fall flat on my face when the opening day arrives. As I shared with a friend of mine, why am I getting antsy at the thought of posting my images in a place for visual consumption? This is not a competition, after all. But it is an exposition of my work, of my taste, of my abilities to articulate my thoughts through digital manipulation. I don't care if I am in virtual form, the mere thought of exposing myself in this manner reminds me of having to go to conferences in RL and presenting my research. It is scary stuff...not the contents, mind you, but the process of making everything cohesive, sensical, accurate. And then then waiting for the questions, the type of reception my work will receive, trying to gauge if people accept my work on its own merits. Then, add to that the element of commerce. Avatrait Gallery sells their wares for a pretty hefty price, comparatively speaking. Will anyone like my stuff enough to pay for it? As one friend put it, do it for exposure. Another said, do it for the pleasure derived from being accepted into the network of digital manipulators. Yet another said, heck I like it.

Thanks to all the well-wishers on my photostream in Flickr.
All I can do now that the images have been submitted and are in transit to the gallery is wait and see.


  1. *Rants and raves about accidentally losing my message*

    Anyway as I was saying, I do hope they are careful about transferring your work to the gallery and they don't just let some ham-handed noob throw it about I would hate to see your pictures get creased.

    I don't know why you think you might fall flat at the opening of your exhibition, unless it is some form of performance art. Your art work is detailed enough to stand repeated viewings and poses questions to the viewer rather than being merely decorative. They certainly deserve exhibiting.

    They obviously appreciate your art highly, if they are willing to fill up their poster with your unfeasibly long name they must really value your work.

  2. Yeah, okay, so I am not an artist. I never claimed to be one. I never even claimed to be proficient at anything remotely related to art in SL, or in RL for that matter. But my point remains. Someone obviously thought my work worthy of viewing, or at least comparable to the work of others who also play with pixels. And liked it enough to want to exhibit it in a space they created specifically to showcase objects of their liking. I am very glad to be liked, particularly by people whom I've met in my life. But I am also nervous because undoubtedly I will also be faced with criticism from those who fail to partake in the liking. Right? It's okay. It is simply another facet of my evolution and emerging identity as a creator of SL images.

    Will you be in attendance? I sure hope to see familiar (and friendly) faces. That is how I would want it to work in RL.

  3. Of course you are an artist, you create art. And to confirm your artistic status you will be on display in a gallery. I think the distinction between art and non art is illusory, if someone calls your work art then it is art. Art deemed good is merely born out of consensus. Since when has proficiency been an important component of art, isn't that an anathema to true art. Is art really about creating the simple easily, or is it an inefficient struggle to produce a one off that might have become a waste of time just as likely as a masterpiece.

    In other news your art is great Ms artist. I will surely attend if I am rezzed into the world.

  4. Thank you. Not for the flattery, but for the time and effort put forth into making me feel proficient in a medium I merely begin to explore.
    Thank you, again, for your patience in light of my ignorance.
    Thank you forever.
